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Exercises For Your Stability Cushion

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The stability cushion- a great piece of fitness equipment to help improve core strength, posture and help reduce back pain. Here are a few of my favourite exercises performed on the stability cushion.

The Narrow Squat

Standing carefully onto the stability cushion . Place the feet into parallel position (toe and heals forward) Pushing back into the heals, keeping the knees above the ankles. Bend at the knees and push back into the glutes – keeping the chest up and engaging the stomach. Come back up to standing tall with shoulders over hips . Lifting/ engaging the quadriceps (thighs) and glutes. Repeat slowly ensuring the knees tract forward.

The Russian Twist

Sitting onto the stability cushion – both sit bones pressed down. Shoulders over hips and with an engaged stomach lifting up out of the lower back (no slumping). Placing the feet onto the floor, in front of the body. Rotating around the spine, working the core and back muscles. Make sure you keep the knees and hips/pelvis square and work directly into the core and back.

The Bridge.

Laying on your back and place both feet – flat onto the stability cushion. Relaxing the upper body, push the hips up through the heals. Make sure the glutes and hamstrings are engaged. Hold still, making sure the hips stay stable and still – working the core and pelvis muscles.

About Emma

Emma is a qualified BarreConcept Instructor, as well as being qualified in Pre and Post Natal Fitness and is a 3rd Age Peri and Post Menopause Specialised Wellness Coach. Emma can be found teaching classes around Cambridge, follow her on Instagram - @cambridgebarreworkout

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